Web LinksFly Tying Materials
Rocky Mountain Dubbing Company
If I were going to buy deer hair over the net this is where I would buy it. Check out there online store for a variety of great products.
Wapsi Fly Company
This is the mother of all fly tying materials companies. If you can't bring up their web site go to your browser and type in www.wapsifly.com
Umpqua Feather Merchants
Umpqua is the largest supplier of commercially tied flies in the country. Go to their site to view all of their flies including several dozen bass flies.
Griffin Enterprises, Inc.
Griffin offers a number of fine fly tying products. I use their bobbins, deer hair comb, and applicator bottle and brush. You can order direct from the company by telephone.
Living Rubber Company
The Living Rubber Company offers the flat pure rubber legs that I use in most all of my flies. The rubber comes in a variety of colors and widths. I prefer the smallest size in most instances. You can order direct from this company.
This company offers a variety of flies, foam, non-foam, tools,etc.
Hareline Dubbin, Inc.
Hareline Dubbin offers a number of great products including their famous animal fur dubbing.
Whiting Farms
This is your source for the finest fly tying feathers in the world. Whiting's web site shows you in vivid detail all of their feather products. I use many of their fly tying feathers and they are the best. Fly Tying Catalogs
Murray's Fly Shop
The place to buy your materials to tie Murray's Marauder and Murray's Strymph.
Stoneriver Outfitters
One of my favorite mail order and online mail order houses. One of three I go to when I can't find a fly tying supply locally. Hunter's have one of the most beautifully illustrated fly tying catalogs in the business.They are a major source for Whiting Feather Products.
Feather-Craft Fly Fishing
Feather-Craft is another great web site and mail order house. It is my second mail order source. A well illustrated catalog that ranks right up there with Hunter's fly tying catalog.
Bob Marriott's Annual Guide to Fly Fishing
Another great mail order house. Web site isn't bad either. The largest and most complete catalog available. If you can't find it at Bob Marriott's you probably won't find it anywhere. Another one of my go-to catalogs.
Flyfisher's Paradise
Another great fly tying materials source. Their web site has a complete online instructional course in Beginning Fly Tying.
Badger Creek Fly Tying/eflytyer.com
This is Mike Hogues web site. Mike was a pioneer in creating an online fly fishing store. I have shopped his web site for years, when he was in Iowa and now that he is in upstate New York. Check out his fly patterns page, fly patterns and recipes from salmon flies to brim flies.
Jann's Netcraft
Netcraft has been providing fly tyers with the finest fly tying tools and materials since 1941. Large selection of fly tying tools, feathers, necks, hooks, fur and synthetic materials. They pride themselves in fast, courteous service. Fly Fishing Organizations
Federation of Fly Fishers
This is an organization that every fly fisherman should join. The federation, through it's regional councils, advocate for fly fishers on the national and regional level in the United States. The web site has a fly pattern archive that features dozens of flies from the "Fly of the Month Page." There is also a "Warmwater Page" where fly fishing articles are posted and a "Bulletin Board" where you can participate online.
Hawkeye Fly Fishing Association
This is the web site for my state fly fishing association. A number of years ago we published a fly pattern book with hundreds of flies, their photos, and their recipes. Click on the "Fly Patterns Page" on the navigation bar for dozens of fly patterns for pike, bass, and panfish.
North Arkansas Fly Fishers
This is the club, located in Mountain Home, Arkansas that sponsors the famous Sow Bug Roundup each March. The three-day event features close to a hundred fly tiers tying their favorite flies. Click on "Fly Pattern Archive" on the navagation bar for warmwater fly patterns.
Northeastern Oklahoma Fly Fishing Club
This is the club that sponsors the Smallmouth Rendezvous & Fly Tying Extravaganza each May. This is a two-day event that is free to the public. You also can fish the famous Illinois River for Smallmouth, Kentucky Spotted, and Rock Bass.
Federation of Fly Fishers Southern Council
The Southern Council holds its annual conclave each October in Mountain Home, Arkansas. This three-day event features about eighty fly tiers tying their favorite flies and a number of nationally prominent speakers. Click on "Long Casts" on the navagation bar for issues of the clubs magazine that features at least one fly pattern in each issue.
Federation of Fly Fishers Southeastern Council
The Southeastern Council holds it's annual conclave each June at the famous Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, just one-hour south of Atlanta, GA. Attendees are able to fish the beautiful Callaway Lakes for giant bass and bluegills at reduced rates during the conclave.
Ozark Flyfishers
Ozark Flyfishers is a St. Louis, Missouri based fly fishing and conservation organization affiliated with the Federation of Fly Fishers. Click on "Flies" on the navagation bar for fly patterns and recipes.
The Smallmouth Alliance
The Smallmouth Alliance is a group of conservation minded anglers who recognize the outstanding sporting characteristics of the Smallmouth Bass. Check thier links page for other organizations that may feature fly patterns.
United Fly Tyers
United Fly Tyers is the oldest continuously active fly tying organization in the United States. They are currently building a fly pattern data base.
Buckeye United Fly Fishers
This club is located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Check out their fly tying page. Fly Fishing Web Sites
The Bluegill Pond
This is the web site for Terry and Roxanne Wilson who are ardent warmwater anglers. Check out their great web site and also Terry's appearance on the "Featured Tiers" page on warmwaterflytyer.
Fly Anglers Online
This is the premier fly fishing web site. Check out the fly patterns archive for lots of warmwater flies along with photo enhanced step-by-step instructions. Also, check out the "Tying Tips Page."
WarmWater Fly Fisher
This is my friend Elmer Meiler's web site. A great site filled with good warmwater fly fishing info and dozens of flies, recipes, and tying instructions for all warmwater species.
Jack Gartside
This is Jack Gartside's web site. Jack is the creator of the famous Gurgler and the Sparrow along with several other flies for warmwater game fish. Click on the "Site Map" on the navagation bar and then on "Articles" for a bunch of his patterns along with instructions for tying them.
Mountaineer Flies
Several fly patterns for smallmouth bass.
Global Fly Fisher
Check out site map on top navagation bar and scroll down to patterns. Many of them work in warm water.
Bass Bug Central
Fly patterns and tying instructions for largemouth, smallmouth, carp, and panfish.
About Fly Fishing
A great site with articles on warmwater fly fishing.
River Smallies
Click on fly photos for flies and instructions for tying them.
Fishing With Flies
Lots of flies, recipes, and instructions.
Fly Tying Forum
Great pattern data base with photos and limited instructions.
Fly Tying World
Large fly index with photos and recipes
Online Fly Tyer
Check out the "Article Archive" and "The Fly Box" for great warmwater fly recipes.
The Bass Pond
Bass Spinner Flies with recipes.
Warmwater Fly Tyer - by Ward Bean
© Copyright 2025 Ward Bean, Council Bluffs, IA, All rights reserved. © Copyright 2025 Ward Bean, Council Bluffs, IA, All rights reserved.